Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sarah and George

Sarah Palin has much in common with George Bush. Both are attractive people who initially come across nicely before a crowd, particularly when addressing themselves to the lowest common denominator, despite being challenged by the English language. It bothers neither of them. She is a good looking woman who is too ignorant to even be cognizant of what she does not know. But it’s time to appreciate that her looks and so-called star quality really do not count when you are in an arena that has been peopled by such heavyweights as Angela Merkel, Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice. The NRC shouldn’t have bothered to spend any money to make Palin more palatable to the American public. Her credentials, demeanor, knowledge and ability to discuss the world in which a vice president operates are the wardrobe needed for this job, and not the new suit from Armani. Especially when the cost of that wardrobe exceeds her annual salary as governor of Alaska. To cover the novice in designer clothing does not imbue the woman in the sophisticated wardrobe with a worldly view.

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